Monday, January 30, 2012

Google Panda Update 3.2

Google confirmed Panda 3.2 was rolled out sometime last week. There were no changes to the algorithm, however. This version of the update was actually a “data refresh” and included Google combing through the long list of sites affected (even negatively targeted sites) and correcting those that should not have been hit. Some webmasters even posted that their sites returned to their original status before the very first Panda was initiated in February, 2011. The last panda update “algorithm change” occurred in November, and there has been a 2-month gap as the company guaranteed there would be no updates until “after the holidays.”

Interestingly enough, Google has not made a change to the Panda algorithm since mid-November. Is this a sign that Google is finished updating Panda? Perhaps the last few changes returned the desired results? It is tough for us to say, as for a while it seemed they were rolling out updates every 3 weeks. We do not expect Google is finished updating the Panda however do expect there to be less-frequent updates moving forward.

No doubt, Google takes an aggressive stance on black-hat SEO tactics and does a great job in combating those websites that act to disrupt quality search rankings. The fact that 3.2 was a “data refresh”, returning some sites to their original status pre-Panda, may give some evidence that they will put longer intervals in-between updates. Check here for information on Panda, including the suspected next update.

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