Friday, February 3, 2012

Best SEO Tools 2012

With saying bye to 2011 we are going to start our next step with a new strategy to optimize our websites. However we cannot leave those seo tools that have helped us grow faster in search engine rankings. Using one single SEO tools never guarantee that will place your site in first search engine ranking. Due to this reason there are various tools available in the internet. rapid development of search engines makes most of the seo tool archaic, so we need to change and get updated with new tools in order to keep our sites optimized. Anyway in 2012 let’s find out some of the best SEO tools which you should include in your strategy.

Top SEO Tools for 2012


I hope all seo user knows this tool. This is the one of the oldest tool available in the internet. it’s software which enables user to save a considerable amount of time on linking. You can idesntify 10,000 links though it’s tool, so that you can prioritize them accordingly. You can get your keyword rank and your overall ranking in the search engines. If you do have some money to spent on this software then you can get some helpful information about your site.

Google Analytics

This tool I evenyone must have used before. but you can not leave this tool as it allows you to track visitors activity on your website. it also provides complete web analytics report including traffic sources. Visitors bounce rate, unique visitors and many more. So definitely you should consider to continue using this google’s famous software.

Screaming frog SEO spider

A very good seo tool that you can use for free. Many bloggers have recommended this particular tool, so I can not simply ignore this tool. It gives every relevant information about SEO and easy to use too. You can even get information about you site meta data and redirects. By getting this data you can actually emend your site’ issues and get more faster website.

Google Keyword Tool

A very famous PPC advertising tool introduced by google which you can do your site’s keyword analysis. It can give you number of idea on the keyword that is highly searched in your ares, also it shows your keyword effect in the search. Although people are neglecting this tool as there are many tools available in the internet, but we will recommend you do not leave this tool as it can be helpful at some times.


This software has become very popular in no mean time. it has a handy seo-tool for those who uses chrome, firefox and opera browser. It shows valus of parameters under each search results while searching in search engines. You can use their tool bar so that you can see page rank, alexa ranking, number of indexed pages of any sites. Explore your idea by using these above given tools, if you do have better tools than share with us. Hope this article helps you in 2012.

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