Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How To Recover From Google Panda Update

There are following steps to improve your websites quality so that it can recover from the update:

Quality Content: As always content is one of the important ranking factor. The content should be unique, relevant and informative. But the content should be unique, relevant, informative in a way so that the visitor reads the content. It should contain some real life content like questions, answers, eye catching tag lines, slogans etc so that the user gets engaged with the content & spend more time on site.
Design Structure: The design structure of the sites now also one of the major ranking factor. The website should be well structured so that a user can easily navigate through the website to get the required information. All the information should be easily accessible.
Quality Links: Backlinks are the major ranking factor but after Panda update you need to get relevant links from unique pages or sites. Now the links from directory, articles & press releases are less important than the unique links. To get unique links promote your site for link campaign with relevant theme sites & get links from those sites. Link Building is now more important than off page activities.
Social Media: The panda update is more focused on social media & after the launch of Google+ social media is one of the major ranking factor. A website with more social presence will get benefit in search engines. More likes & +1 means more people are recommending the site so it gain in search results page. Socialize the whole website & let the visitors to share your website so that it gain more social presence.
Reviews & Ratings: Try to add reviews & rating system for your products on the website so that a user can rate your site & also write some reviews about the experience with your site.
Remove Unnecessary Links from Content: If you have added so many links to your website from the content then remove all unnecessary links from the content.

Overall Google's panda update was all about social presences & less spam.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh that was totally amazing I did a lot of reading but it was totally cool. Thanks for sharing such useful information. Thanks for these tips. This is a big help for my philippine seo accounts. :)
