Monday, June 18, 2012

Elance Question paper

1. which of the following would not be effective in headline writng?
2. Why is the subject line of any email campaign important?
3. What is an auto-responder?
4. what are the four p's of marketing?
5. HOw should a company allocate its marketing budget among the various method of intenet marketing?
6. What is meant by "guerilla marketing"?
7. which 3 industries are the largest users of affiliate marketing?
8. what is the primary goal of web marketing?
9. How are pay per click ad campaigns billed?
10.what is "bounce rate" in terms of email marketing?
11.How importnt is content on a site when optimizing it?
12.what is"cost per customer acquisition"?
13.why are affiliates not the same as having a sales force?
14.what is a"value pronposition"?
15.what is meant by "niche marketing"?
16.why have social networking sitea bacome a popular method of internet marketing?
17.what is"cost per action"? can chat rooms bolster site traffic?
19.what is brand strategy?
20.why would a company hire internet marketing specialists if marketing is relatively easy to do online?
21.what is "landline page"?
22.what is a secondary reson to actively maintain a company blog,besides giving potential customers something to read?
23.How can the signature block be used effectively?
24.what type of income statement item are marketing exepenses?
25.what is an important step early on when forming a web marketing strategy?
26 what is affilate marketing?
27.what is the best way to make internet marketing effective?
28.How is click-through rate measured in a email campaign?
29.HOW can supplementry materials be delivered to the podcast listener?
30.what are meta tags?
31.why is it important to fine tune the timing of ad and keyword used?
32. How can a podcast be used to drive customers to a website?
33. HOW much would a company pay for the given example: ad displays 20 times 2 users click the ad, cost per click is 5 cents.
34.what is meant by "web 2.0"?
35.what is advantage to using a purchased email list?
36.How do firms typically budget once positive result are seen from their intenet marketing campaign?
37.Why has web marketing become the primary method of marketing for some companies?
38.How can posting on other message board help drive traffic to a company site?
39. How is the open rate important ?

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