If you have already been doing this but aren’t getting enough results out of it, consider that the generation of leads is not that much straightforward. It’s because you have missed today’s most powerful medium which has more online users than desktop. Yes, it is mobile. Mobile visitors are the biggest driving force and ignoring them is ignoring the fact that the sun rises in east.
Have I exaggerated it? No because nowadays, mobile devices are used for almost everything a computer can do. Playing games, taking pictures and updating socials are some most ordinary uses of modern mobile devices. New mobiles are a serious business tool and they can also generate leads. If your mobile strategy is still not working, you may be lacking at following places:
Use shorter and progressive forms
Filling out form fields on mobile devices is quite frustrating. Depends on a mobile, fields can sometimes be too small to tap on. Often time, a prospect ends up tapping on wrong a field. It of course frustrates. Also the length of forms is also frustrating. Filling too many fields is not difficult in on desktop but on mobile devices, it’s really painful.
This problem can be solved by adding the most important fields such as email, name, and requirement in the initial step of filling the form. Rest can be asked when an executive is taking care of the enquiry. The best way to keep prospect bounded for a longer time is you use a progressive profiling that does not require filling the fields which have already been filled. With adding above mentioned solutions to your form, you can optimize your mobile website / app for higher conversions.
Create Simple Calls-to-Action
A Call-to-Action created with keeping desktop website in mind may appear totally different on small screen devices. Often time highlighted elements on desktop website appear quite heavier on mobile website. They may also distract prospects and drive them assuming that some kind of artificialness associated with the statement or image. While creating a CTA for mobile prospect, it should be short, clear yet action oriented.
Provide Discounts Customer Loyalty and Other Offers
Another way to make your mobile presence more result oriented is you offer discounts and promotions which will only be redeemed through mobile devices. You can apply promo codes, location based specials and customer loyalty discounts for this purpose.
Optimize Content for Mobile Devices
Can you read long pages on mobile? Seems boring? Because mobile is a quick medium, people expect that whatever they explore on their devices, it can quickly be understood. They want precise and short information even for bigger things. An ordinary desktop web page showing up on mobile may appear to be flooded with content. There are different rules when you create content for mobile audience. Here are those rules
• Try to put the most important content right, with important links on the frontload screen. Do not force people to scroll down the page to the bottom to read the more important things. Make sure people understand the purpose of the content in first page as on mobile devices, no one likes to wait for a second or third page to get important information. In case of ecommerce mobile website or app, things like name, image, brief discretion, price and offers should appear on the frontload screen. Things like review, comparisons, other similar products, etc should appear in the last.
• If the content is aimed at lead generation, it should be written in simple manner without adding any jargon. Adding attractive words and slangs decrease the weight of product or services you want to offer. Bold the most important headline and make it in tweetable format. Do not write because you want to fill the page but to provide quick and correct information to you prospects. Also use bullets to show the most important features of your service or product.
• Last but not least. There is no ultimate way. So if a strategy isn’t working out, try different one. You can test a variety of type of content for mobile devices.
Make Your Phone Number / email ID Clickable
While using mobile devices, people want everything happening automatically. I mean if there is an email on a page and a prospect wants to send email, he/she supposes that while tapping on the ID, the mail sending pop up should open automatically. Same is the case with phone number and while tapping on a number, its calling app should automatically fetch the number and prepare the app for calling. These things are much more actions oriented.
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